Bonding and attachment evaluations are assessments that determine how a foster child has bonded with his or her foster or birth parents. These evaluations seek to answer the question of whether a child's overall well being is improved or hindered by removal from a current placement situation. This one-hour webinar will provide clinicians with an introduction to these types of evaluations.
- To prepare participants about the process of what is expected from the court and attorney’s when testifying.
- To be prepared to present appropriate material when testifying in reference to bonding and attachment.
- Ensure the proper citation are available.
- Participants will be provided appropriate handouts pertinent to preparing them for court.
Learning Objectives
- Develop a sound understanding of the terms, bonding and attachment.
- Develop appropriate qualifications as an expert witness.
- Prepare for direct examination.
- Be prepared for Voir dire and how to respond to disqualification and impeachment.
- Participants will become aware of a live bonding and attaching case and how it was developed in court.
This event is free for all NBFE members (Certified Forensic Mental Health Evaluators and applicants and candidates pursuing the CFMHE credential) as well as all members of organizations that partner with NBFE (see Professional Partners page for a complete list). If, however, an attendee wants a continuing education certificate via email, then an administrative fee of $15 (members of NBFE and partnering organizations) or $25(non-members) will be assessed.
About the Presenter

Dr. Norman Hoffman is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, and Founder and President of the National Board of Forensic Evaluators (NBFE). He is an experienced expert witness, forensic examiner, author, and jazz musician. Dr. Hoffman developed the Hoffman Organicity Test (HOT), which aids clinicians in differentiating between organic brain disorders, non-organic disorders, and psychotic disorders.
Dr. Hoffman began his work with the Devereux Foundation in 1963, specializing as a music therapist for children. In 1969, he then completed a one-year clinical internship at the Menninger Memorial Hospital in Kansas. That experience led to his first book, Hear the Music! A New Approach to Mental Health. His work in the field of organic brain damage led to The Hoffman Organicity Test.
From the time of his work at the Hazleton/Nanticoke MH/MR Center in Pennsylvania, in 1976, Dr. Hoffman assisted in the development, training and of child custody evaluations between the mental health center and the Luzerne/Wyoming County Circuit Court. He is an expert witness in the field of forensic mental health evaluations, child custody disputes, and competency assessments throughout the United States. Dr. Norm is a qualified and approved Parenting Coordinator as well as a former Florida Family Law Supreme Court Mediator.
Continuing Education Information

The National Board of Forensic Evaluators (NBFE) has been approved by the National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC) as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 6189. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. NBFE is solely responsible for all aspects of the program.
This webinar has been approved for 1.0 general contact hour(s) with the Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage & Family Therapy, & Mental Health Counseling, and the Florida Board of Psychology, CE Broker Tracking # 20-775016 (CE Broker Provider #50-15823).
NBFE is recognized and endorsed by the American Mental Health Counselors Association.
Click here for NBFE Cancellation/Refund Policy.