Become a Certified Forensic Mental Health Evaluator (CFMHE)!

In partnership with the American Mental Health Counselors Association (AMHCA), the National Board of Forensic Evaluators, Inc. (NBFE) announces our exclusive forensic mental health evaluator certification training event on Wednesday, 6/24/20, at AMHCA's annual conference in Las Vegas, Nevada or online, enabling mental health professionals across the country to attend remotely. NBFE is the only forensic certification organization officially endorsed by AMHCA.

Forensic mental health evaluation is an impactful and lucrative area of specialization for licensed mental health professionals, yet few counselors, social workers, and marriage and family therapists are exposed to this unique specialty in their graduate training. Whether you plan on working full time in forensics or just wish to supplement your practice with an additional funding stream, this credential can help you establish yourself as a forensic expert. If you already work in the forensic field, this credential can boost your resume, sharpen your evaluation skills, and enhance your reputation as an expert.
In partnership with AMHCA, NBFE is offering an 8-hour forensic mental health certification training workshop for licensed mental health professionals. Participants can attend in-person at AMHCA's annual conference in Las Vegas, Nevada, or they can participate online through Zoom's webinar platform.
Join Our Elite Group of Certified Clinicians!

Attendees who complete the entire certification process and are awarded the Certified Forensic Mental Health Evaluator (CFMHE) credential can use the credential to better establish themselves as experts in the forensic arena.
NBFE’s all-inclusive certification fee includes:
· The 8-hour workshop on the fundamentals of forensic mental health evaluation at AMHCA's annual conference in Las Vegas, Nevada (or online for participants who live in other states)
· Free 24/7 access to several webinar recordings and study materials designed to help candidates prepare for the written and oral examinations for certification
· One-on-one mentoring (via email, phone, or webcam) with an expert CFMHE who provides feedback on written evaluation reports
· Written examination and oral examination fees
· Complimentary participation in select NBFE webinars
· Complimentary access to NBFE’s member portal, including use of our online forum for questions and answers about forensic mental health evaluation.
Save An Additional $75 by Registering for AMHCA's Annual Conference!
NBFE’s all-inclusive certification fee is $715, but we are offering a heavily discounted fee of $425 (the lowest price we have ever offered) for all candidates who register for this event and are also registered to attend AMHCA's annual conference after the certification workshop (The cost is $500 for those who are not attending the conference.) Students and interns may attend at a reduced rate of $250 to start learning about forensic mental health evaluation. However, students and interns cannot obtain the full certification until they have been licensed for a full year, at which time they may pay the remaining $250 balance and continue with the certification process, having enjoyed the benefits to free and reduced-cost forensic webinars in the interim.
Learning Objectives
Participants will:
- Learn about the National Board of Forensic Evaluators, the Certified Forensic Mental Health Evaluator credential, and the certification process
- Familiarize themselves with the definition of forensic mental health evaluations, differences between forensic and clinical evaluations, ethical considerations for forensic evaluation, types of forensic mental health evaluations, and qualifications for administering and interpreting psychological tests
- Review information that appears in the CFMHE written examination, including Parental Alienation Syndrome and child custody cases, assessment and testing principles, psychopathic traits, domestic violence, competency to stand trial, malingering, civil commitment, laws and standards of forensic mental health evaluation, assessment of violence and suicide potential, interviewing techniques, personal injury cases, juvenile assessment, substance abuse evaluation, sexual abuse, expert witness standards, and resources to learn more
- Learn how to write a “bullet-proof” forensic evaluation report
- Review tips and strategies for the oral examination and expert witness testimony
- Identify tests that can be used for forensic applications.
Note that attendance at this workshop is not the only step in the certification process. Attendees must also complete an online application, submit three reference letters, submit proof of licensure for at least one full year (associate, intern, and provisional license status will not meet this requirement unless the applicant is legally permitted to diagnose and treat mental disorders without being under the supervision of another licensed mental health professional), submit proof of malpractice insurance, document 40 hours of forensic-related training and/or experience (e.g., CEs, time spent conducting evaluations, writing reports, court testimony, etc.), pass the written examination (administered at the end of the workshop), submit a sample report, and pass the oral examination (done via webcam online) as depicted in the graphic below and on our website. Most attendees already have the 40 hours experience (i.e., work-related experience or training experience) prior to attending the workshop, but many do not. If an attendee does not already have 40 hours of forensic experience, he or she may apply 8 hours from by attending this workshop and then obtain the remaining hours through other means after the workshop by attending training events on forensic mental health-related topics with any approved CE provider (NBFE is not responsible for any additional costs incurred during that process).

About the Presenters

Dr. Norman Hoffman is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, and Founder and President of the National Board of Forensic Evaluators (NBFE). He is an experienced expert witness, forensic examiner, author, and jazz musician. Dr. Hoffman developed the Hoffman Organicity Test (HOT), which aids clinicians in differentiating between organic brain disorders, non-organic disorders, and psychotic disorders.
Dr. Hoffman began his work with the Devereux Foundation in 1963, specializing as a music therapist for children. In 1969, he then completed a one-year clinical internship at the Menninger Memorial Hospital in Kansas. That experience led to his first book, Hear the Music! A New Approach to Mental Health. His work in the field of organic brain damage led to The Hoffman Organicity Test.
From the time of his work at the Hazleton/Nanticoke MH/MR Center in Pennsylvania, in 1976, Dr. Hoffman assisted in the development, training and of child custody evaluations between the mental health center and the Luzerne/Wyoming County Circuit Court. He is an expert witness in the field of forensic mental health evaluations, child custody disputes, and competency assessments throughout the United States. Dr. Norm is a qualified and approved Parenting Coordinator as well as a former Florida Family Law Supreme Court Mediator.

Aaron Norton is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with certifications in addictions, alcohol and drug counseling, rehabilitation counseling, clinical mental health counseling, trauma treatment, forensic mental health evaluation, and forensic behavioral analysis. He serves as Executive Director of the National Board of Forensic Evaluators, a national not-for-profit board officially endorsed by the American Mental Health Counselors Association that provides training, certification, and professional advocacy for licensed mental health professionals specializing in forensic mental health evaluation. He is an Adjunct Instructor at the University of South Florida's College of Behavioral and Community Sciences as well as a doctoral candidate in the Counselor Education and Supervision program at USF. He serves as Southern Regional Director and Ethics Committee Liaison for the American Mental Health Counselors Association and President and Chair of Education, Training Standards, and Continuing Education for the Florida Mental Health Counselors Association. He is the Consulting Editor for AMHCA’s The Advocate Magazine. He also works at Integrity Counseling, a group private practice, providing therapy, forensic and clinical evaluation, and clinical supervision to mental health counselor and marriage and family therapist interns as a Qualified Supervisor. He has nearly 20 years of experience in the counseling profession, specializing in lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) issues, cognitive behavioral therapy for anxiety and depressive disorders, and substance abuse treatment. He is recognized as a Diplomate and Clinical Mental Health Specialist in Substance Abuse and Co-Occurring Disorders by the American Mental Health Counselors Association, and he was awarded Mental Health Counselor of the Year by the American Mental Health Counselors Association and Counselor Educator of the Year by the Florida Mental Health Counselors Association in 2016. An experienced writer, presenter, and trainer, he has been published in Addiction Professional, American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services, Journal of Individual Psychology, and The Advocate Magazine, the official magazine of the American Mental Health Counselors Association.
Continuing Education Information

The National Board of Forensic Evaluators (NBFE) has been approved by the National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC) as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 6189. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. NBFE is solely responsible for all aspects of the program.
This workshop has been approved for 8 hours of continuing education (6 general hours, 1 domestic violence hour, and 1 hour ethics/professional boundaries) with the Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage & Family Therapy, & Mental Health Counseling and the Florida Board of Psychology, CE Broker Tracking # 20-551881 (CE Broker Provider #50-15823).
NBFE is recognized and endorsed by the American Mental Health Counselors Association.
Click here for NBFE Cancellation/Refund Policy.